As social media becomes more and more ingrained in our daily lives, it’s easy to relate each platform to our physical environments. LinkedIn, for example, is the office: a professional landscape we use for networking, sharing news, and connecting with coworkers.

Twitter is the only social network where brands and consumers have an even playing field and unrestricted lines of clear, concise communication.

Twitter also thrives on several factors that support and affect engagement. According to Twitter, the following elements are what fuels engagement on their platform:

  • Photos
  • Hashtags
  • Links
  • Content strategy
  • Videos
  • Numerals (i.e., tweets containing a sports score or an official stat)

Features are you using in your Twitter strategy?

  • Analytics
  • Advertizing blog
  • Company profile
  • Content strategy
  • Collection/Cunstom Timelines
  • Conversational Ads format
  • Cards
  • Embed Tweet